How to connect and setup MPG pendant?



Enable “E-Stop” to use E-Stop switch connected to CTRL1 pin. Enable “Invert” option, if your E-Stop switch is active low (NC type).

Enable “Use MPG” to use MPG pendant. Most common PPR value for MPG is 100 pulses per revolution. Enable “Reverse” to set reverse MPG direction.

Enable “Use Rev. Index” to use index signal for measuring spindle RPM and spindle position. Most common PPR value is one, but you can use higher value.

With higher values you can enable fast options to increase response time. Enable “Invert” option if your signal is active low type.

Enable “Use Rev. Encoder” to use encoder for measuring spindle RPM. Set “PPR” to your encoder pulses per revolution value. Enable “Reverse” to set reverse direction.


“Max Speed” is maximum speed that machine can travel when operated with MPG.

“Distance” is length of one step.

Seven modes are possible for Mk3 controllers and four modes are possible for Mk2 controller.

Standard MPG pendant has switch for Mode 1, 2 and 3. X1 on MPG selects “Mode1”, X10 “Mode2” and X100 “Mode3”.

For each mode you can set if “Step” mode is enabled.


Step mode enabled:

Factor value is used to calculate distance multiplier. Step distance = “Distance” *(1000 / “Factor”)

For example:

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 1000, then step is 0.01mm long.

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 100, then step is 0.1mm long.

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 10, then step is 1mm long.

Step mode not enabled:

Factor value is set to calculate speed multiplier. If factor value is higher, then you need to turn MPG encoder faster to achieve same speed.


Step mode enabled:

Factor value is distance multiplier.

For example:

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 1000, then step is 10mm long.

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 100, then step is 1mm long.

If “Distance” is set to 0.01mm and factor is 10, then step is 0.1mm long.


If first “Option” is enabled, then steps are buffered.

Step mode not enabled:

Factor value is speed multiplier in percent

For example:

If “Max Speed” is set to 2000mm/min and factor is 100, then “Max Speed” used is 2000mm/min.

If “Max Speed” is set to 2000mm/min and factor is 200, then “Max Speed” used is 4000mm/min.

If “Max Speed” is set to 2000mm/min and factor is 10, then “Max Speed” used is 200mm/min.


No “Option” enabled: Normal behaviour.
Only first “Option” enabled: Potentiometer from Jogging keyboard controls the speed.
Only second “Option” enabled: Machine speed depends on speed of encoder rotation.
Both “Options” enabled: Machine speed is synchronised with encoder rotation.



Pinout for CTRL connector for Mk2:
CTRL 1: E-Stop
CTRL 2: MD1 – Mode switch (00-mode0, 10-mode1, 01-mode2, 11-mode3)
CTRL 3: MD2 – Mode switch
CTRL 4: Axis switch (00-no axis, 10-X, 01-Y, 11-Z)
CTRL 5: Axis switch
CTRL 6: Encoder
CTRL 7: Encoder
CTRL 8: Index signal for spindle synchronization or manual boot-loader
GND: Ground connections


Pinout for CTRL connector for Mk3:

E-STOP: E-Stop
MD1: Mode switch
MD2: Mode switch
AX1: Axis switch
AX2: Axis switch
EN1A: Encoder for MPG
EN1B: Encoder for MPG
IDX: Index signal for spindle synchronization
+5V: Power supply for encoder
EN2B: Additional encoder
EN2A: Additional encoder
EN3B/AX3: Axis switch for additional axes or encoder
EN3A/AX3: Axis switch for additional axes or encoder
EN4B: Encoder for spindle synchronization
EN4A: Encoder for spindle synchronization
GND: Ground


MPG wire colorsPinout for MPG adapter DB25 connector:
1 – +5V
2 – GND
3 – Encoder A
4 – Encoder B
5 – LED+
6 – LED-
7 – Axis X
8 – Axis Y
9 – Axis Z
10 – Axis 4
11 – X1 mode
12 – X10 mode
13 – X100 mode
14 – COM for switches (GND)
15 – E-Stop
16 – COM for E-Stop (GND)
17 – not used
18 – Axis 5
19 – Axis 6
20 – Encoder A’
21 – Encoder B’
22 – not used
23 – not used
24 – not used
25 – not used
